Dispatchi From The Front
Here, our senior commentater, Moses Gumn, tells us his acount of what happened to him on the day Heir Bush re-stoled the electoral process:
Dispatch cc2-36I:
Hi everyone! I am Moses Gunn.You may call me Moses, or Moses G. (my Dj monniker)*******
i geuss now's also a good time to relate that my vote was surpressedlast week ....
an old friend (Dr. Bongmeister-Eckhart, not his real name, with two dots over the e, can you put that mark in comments?)brought over the new Devin the Dude CD (CompactDisc) andsome of his *ahem* supplies on Election day. 1pm to 9pm just flew by.....(also watched Donnie Darko twice.)
I went to the Thomas Dewey MiddleSchool at around 10:00pm to pull the level but there was no one there. I was looking outside around the gym (locked, Ralphs card couldn't open) I was stopped by a 'security guard' who asked waht I was doing there. I explained the situation as best as i could (scared, was he a 'private sector'Halliburton guard trying to surpress my vote? or what?, I left out the partabout Dr. Bongmeister-Eckhart, but not Donnie Darko. )
The 'guard' didn't really understand the ending (of Donnie Darko) but hedid tell me (in a strange polite way) that the voting stopped hours ago. I asked him for a provisonal ballot (I know my rights!) He just smirkedand told me go home. He was kinda fingering his baton as he sighed,so i just felt i had to get out of there. In my panic I didn't get his nameor badge number. did anyone else have that kind of hasssle with the man?
You can, I am sure, see what I mean by herrowing. The shear malace and contemt with which the policeman treated Mr. Gunn shows just how much power the Nazi jesusland regime has all ready yousurped. They would not behave in such a brazen manner, if they were not so sure of the position of control.
Here, from the land of Odenwalk, Austolopithecanthropus, share his Kafkaian experiances. Some of this dispatch seams to be in code:
Dispatch 5zs-c8T1:
I am writing this from the Odenwald. I can't tell if those guys in leathercoats are Germans or Americans. Those black helicopters look the same as the ones over
Cumberland. But I feel very safe here. The very tolerant Dutch all of a sudden are burning mosques and are attacking Moslems. But we don't live near the Dutch border. We mostly keep to ourselves and try not to offend the Germans with our American accents. I will continue to monitor your website for going ons in Jesusland. This will influence our decision when and if we shall return. Maybe we settle somewhere around the Mediterranean. We love it around Livorno.
I'm not sure what that means, but the part about the black helacopters brings home just how far Bushes regime has cast its tentacles. Can any body help me with translatoin of this coded dispatch?