There are three boxes for use in defending liberty: soap, ballot, ammo. The soap box has collapsed. The ballot box has been usurped. The ammo box is standing by.
Okay, so armed revolt isn't such a great idea, but the proverbial shit is on its way to the fan and it's only a matter of time until it makes contact.
Why are you still supporting Bush? Why are you still supporting MOST of the government? Have you ever heard the phrase "throw the bums out"?
Well, the time to start throwing these bums out was 25 years ago. If we don't drop this partisan bullshit and start voting a little smarter, we're seriously fucked. George W. Bush is a horrible president and he's an exceptionally dangerous man. Our current president is actively working to undermine the entire premise of the American capitalist system that has been honed over the last 100 years. What part of that is not sinking in, friends? If we keep voting in people like this, like Clinton, like the elder Bush - people who pander endlessly to corporate interests - we're going to be ruled by corporations. Every time we go to vote and we don't muster up the courage to flip the bird to the major candidates, we put another man, woman, or other into government that has "special interest" shoved so far up his or her ass that they walk funny.
The DMCA makes it illegal to make your own ink cartridges for Lexmark printers. The FBI wants to know if you use nmap. Law enforcement can request numerous pieces of information about you and gag the person to whom the request is made, making it impossible to prepare any sort of legal defense until after it's far too late.
This is not paranoid rambling, it's 100% true and it HAS BEEN DONE:
What the fuck is wrong with you people? FIGHT. STOP VOTING FOR MAJOR CANDIDATES.
Can it be stopped? I don't know. I'd like to think so.
But I'm not taking too many chances.
if you click his link you will see that he is going to by a gun. What kind of world have we come too when pieceful people like this man and mys elf are considering the purchase of heavy firepower.
yOU PROBABLY NOTICED HIS DIRE warning that the goverment now has made it legal for them to UNPERSON you. I am not sure what this means, but it sound's posativley herrowing. I wander if if the "UN" it's some kind of refrence to the United Nations? I can't imagine that because the UN is on our side.
Any way, we have found yet another personhood who is solid.
If there is anyone out there who knows anything, could you may be please drop me a line, and tell me what UNPERSONED is?